Strawberries from the Garden

Strawberries from the Garden

Feb 13, 2011

New Year, New Garden

This is something new for me. I have been keeping a detailed notebook of all of the planning, preparation,and day to day garden activities for me to keep track of my small kitchen garden for years now. Starting today, I will be sharing those notes in a blog. Here goes . . .

Today is Sunday, February 13, 2011, I have started seeds inside for my cole crops in hopes of having everything I need when it's time to set out transplants. I started my first seeds on Jan. 17th and they look pretty good. I have found that starting seeds indoors is much easier with the help of aquarium hoods outfitted with grow lights. Last year was the first year for this set-up and I think it worked very well.

As the weeks go by and warm weather gets closer, I will be starting seeds, planning my 'neighborhoods', and preparing my raised beds,for this year's kitchen garden.


  1. I have enjoyed your posts so far and have added you to my blogroll to follow. Looking forward to watching your garden this year. I do some companion gardening.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great! I hope this is a successful year for you.
    I have just started some of my seeds for my
    ‘beneficial’ flowers and herbs that I interplant
    with my veggies as a part of my companion
    gardening. Thanks for the support!
